Time for Lunch!
https://www.tucanamadrid.com/enJanuary Monthly Meeting As we look to our new year, January brings an opportunity to gather in one very vibrant space for a lunch and a relaxed time together. Hunting […]
Tertulia-Spanish conversation
Unete a nosotras para practicar tu español !!! Ole, ole, oleLocation: Will be disclosed via emailRSVP :activities@incmadrid.org not later than Jan 19
Mountain hike to kick off 2023
We are kick starting the hiking season with INC in La Jarosa where we will aim to reach the Ermita Altar Mayor. On a clear the we will have with […]
Happy Hour – Aperitivo
Please join us for "Happy Hour - Aperitivo", chatting, catching up and having the afternoon together! We will meet at "Principe 5", Italian Bistro Bar. They offer All Cocktail: 8 […]
Board Meeting
DESCRIPTION:10.30-11: Socialising and pre-meetings11-12.30: Boardmeeting12.30-1pm: SocialisingThe meeting will be hosted by Joan EversRSVP to Yvette at secretary@incmadrid.org
Coffee Morning Area 2/3
Host Maria Eisenbraun - address will be shared with attending guestsFor information & to RSVP email lyndall_briggs@hotmail.com
Area 1 Book Club
Please join us for the A1 bookclub. This time we are reading either The Gypsy bride by Carmen Mola (only in Spanish) or the Warehouse by Rob Hart. Both books […]
Coffee Morning Area 1
Exact address will be given 1 day in advance of the coffee morning.
Area 2/3 Book Club
Book Selection: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, biography by Lori GottliebOrganiser: Elaine Samson - esamson07@yahoo.comHost will be Tiziana - address will be shared with attending guests
Time to Love Yourself
Centro Riojano Calle Serrano 25, Madrid, SpainFebruary Monthly MeetingAs we move into February, we’re taking the theme of “love” into our monthly meeting. This event will connect body and mind, fuel confidence and make you feel […]
Gluten Free Baking Class
Explore the increasingly popular world of alternative flours with our fellow member, Elaine! Nut flours, coconut, rice flours, buckwheat, and others and bake a variety of gluten-free. Items: bread, biscuits, […]
Exhibition of Hergé, the creator of the adventures of Tintin
This is an exhibition created by the Museum Hergé in Belgium, which will immerse its visitors in the universe of the illustrator and artist Hergé, creator of the iconic comic […]