Week of Events
Coffee Morning Area 2/3
Coffee Morning Area 2/3
Area 2/3 Coffee morning. Address will be shared with attending guests. To RSVP email lyndall_briggs@hotmail.comHosted by Kari Ewoldt (Area 3)
Area 1 Book Club
Area 1 Book Club
Please join us for January bookclub to discuss Queens of Jerusalem at Irlanda´s place. Please bring some yummy food to shareThe exact location will be shared with participants once you have signed up
Book Club Area 2/3
Book Club Area 2/3
The Secret Kingdoms English bookstore at calle de Moratin 7, Madrid 28014, in Las Letras neighborhood. https://goo.gl/maps/3ahagot4ysoh481G9Organiser : Margarita Gokun mgokun@yahoo.com
Board Meeting
Board Meeting
DESCRIPTION:10.30-11: Socialising and pre-meetings11-12.30: Boardmeeting12.30-1pm: SocialisingThe meeting will be hosted by Alexandra WolfelspergerRSVP to Yvette at secretary@incmadrid.org
Coffee morning area 3/4
Coffee morning area 3/4
Please join us for the first A4/5 coffee morning in 2023. Bring some goodies along and enjoy catching up with old and new friends.Gabrielle will be the host and her location will be shared once you have signed up.