This is a great post by Leonor. I might ask her to come to my place to correct my placement!
Feng Shui
I want to talk about this technique that has been sometimes misunderstood, many western people tend to think Feng Shui is somehow related to décor or interior design, but it is not indeed, “Feng Shui is the art of placement”.
Where does Feng Shui come from?
Feng Shui comes from china and it analyses the invisible forces that surround us all the time and studies show these forces can affect us, bringing well being, health and prosperity or challenging us badly. This is what Feng Shui is really about.
What is Feng Shui?
Feng Shui is the body of knowledge to analise the energy around us, which is already contained in our home and is directly connected with its habitants and is in charge to provide a certain quality of life. There are places where we feel so well and comfortable and some others that we cannot relax or enjoy ourselves. These kinds of sensations have an explanation and Feng Shui has it.
Generally speaking the value of any sort of construction is given by its size, quality and location, but that is not all, there are also intangible aspects that should be taken into account before making a decision, since we must be sure about our wellbeing and health, “the holistic point of view”.
Feng Shui is one of the five arts of Chinese metaphysics, based on 5 elements and yin & yang theory, it helps us to identify the set of characteristics of any given place, finding what events are likely to happen such as being healthy or not. Sometimes for instance, there are places that lead us to depression or any other negative feelings. There are also places, which embrace our prosperity, because auspicious energy is located in the right place. Places are like people, they have strengths and challenges and so we need to pick the right place to fit our needs.
Do we look for good Feng Shui in our place?
It is quite common that we live in places that are similar, this is because unconsciously we look for a place that offers what we like or need, so it is when we say, “it gives me a nice feeling”. These sensations are what Feng Shui explains in detail — why we feel that way and how we can enhance it or mitigate any negative feeling.
What does Feng Shui analyse?
Feng Shui analyses energy quality based on the “age of the building and its facing direction”, which is determined when using luopan, a Feng Shui basic tool. Feng Shui utilises formulas that help us to identify where strengths are and where challenges are located, so we can start working to balance them accordingly. Once we know what kind of energy every sector has, we can select the right element, material or colour to provide balance to the current energy, resulting on healthy spaces, vibrant in harmony because we will combine visual and invisible factors.
There are places where yin energies are properly located in bedrooms and yang energies in those areas designed to have activity, so things work well, but that does not happen when they are distributed differently. This means “energies do not support the intention of the room”. Therefore if energies are not favourable to human beings, sometimes we will feel the accumulation of stress, anxiety, tiredness or insomnia.
For these reasons, it is very important to check the holistic part of our property because we care about our health and we are always looking for a good quality of life and not to have regrets about our investment.