INC activities-intro

In addition to our Monthly Meetings and Area Coffee Mornings we regularly organize a wide variety of events including social gatherings, gastronomic experiences, cultural events, health and wellness activities, book clubs and excursions around Madrid and Spain. These events require a RSVPs as they may have a limited capacity to make sure that we can offer a high quality experience to all the participants. We operate on a first come, first serve basis.
The INC activities are advertised on the INC website calendar as well as in the weekly E-news bulletin that is being sent to members by email.

Recent activities have included visits to Casa Decor, museum exhibitions, a flower bouquets workshop, mountain walks, yoga sessions, guided city walks, craft workshops, the Manolo Blahnik exhibition and evening wine and tapas with spouses at the local wine bars or at home.

Do please contact our team if you have ideas that we can adopt at: