Member Activities

Our diverse multi-cultural members are a huge asset to INC, and as such, INC members are able to tap into an enormous wealth of talent and interests in the most diverse topics. As a membership benefit, any member can promote a workshop/course/event as part of their business or decide to organise a spectacular party out of pure fun and interest.
The Member Activities can be advertised via the weekly E-news bulletin and via the Area Chat groups but they will not appear in the INC calendar.These events are often associated with a cost and RSVPs and communication will be handled directly by the member who is in charge of the particular activity.
Past events have included craft workshops, a Brasilian Carnival Evening, a Bollywood Night and meditations events.
Would you like organise a member activity? Please get in contact with to ask any questions you may have or to get guidance on how to get started. More information, guidelines and conditions can also be found in the ”INC communication guidelines”