It´s heartening to know that dark chocolate boosts the immune system with its zinc content. I reckon that I´m one chocolate bar away from turning into an AA battery at this rate.
While we´re hibernating at home in limited space the need to pamper our mind, body and soul is more acute than ever. Cooking at home allows you to retract within your cocoon away from the stress of your household, your anxious mind and world events outside your window.
You can really get into the flow of your recipe and let your imagination drift to a fun, safe place. Choose colourful and vibrant food rich in antioxidants that you can arrange artistically on the plate. When you´re feeling like company you can cook with other family members or follow an online cookery class if you´re by yourself. Food brings us together and is wonderful for boosting morale. Napoleon famously said that an army marches on its stomach. His own military was instructed to transport loads of heavy wine. They also had to forage for food which I rather suspect was a euphemism for looting. Send me photos of any of the culinary creations that have fed your body and soul during these times.
Last Tuesday I had a wonderful time singing Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds with over 500 other Sofa Singers from Argentina to Australia. This was very much food for my soul because music accesses more parts of the brain than almost any other activity. As humans, we have evolved to be a species that actually wants to be in communication with people and right now we are seeing that music is the perfect vehicle for connecting and pop-up choirs are forming on balconies all over the world. The next session is at 8.30 pm on Tuesday 31st March. Registration opens at 7.30 pm on Monday 30th and sells out almost immediately.
My brain is usually on overdrive (fixated on my next chocolate remedy) at the best of times but this week I discovered how to quieten it for 15 minutes with online yoga sensation, Adriene, who offers this wonderful free meditation to provide relief from stress. Perfect for beginners, I was truly floating following her Meditation for Anxiety on an imaginary flying carpet and woke up right in front of the chocolate cupboard. This is a must for meditation cynics in these disconcerting times.
This week Area 2/3 enjoyed their first virtual coffee. First prize goes to our President, Eleanor for showing off the most alluring background. Soon we will all be wearing hats as we all start to show our true (hair) colours. Humans are expert at adapting to our environments and INC is no exception.